Headache and Migraine Chiropractic Services in Chesapeake Virginia
Whatever treatment you decide to pursue for headaches it is important that the doctor you see take a thorough history of your pain and symptoms, do functional exams to clinically correlate your pain and then order imaging to confirm or rule out the suspected cause of your pain.
The order should be:
- IMAGING based on what is suspected to be the problem.
This ABC approach is what leads to an accurate diagnosis. Treatment options should only be considered after an accurate diagnosis is obtained, not based on just A or B or a guess. Causes of headaches can vary: vascular, chemical or mechanical. Treatment options vary depending on the diagnosis but the goal of any treatment program should be the OUTCOME for the patient … pain reduced and functional quality of life restored with minimized risk.
Many headaches have a mechanical component of the way the head and neck align that can trigger joint pressure that radiates into the head. A proper mechanical diagnosis with a thorough history, functional exam and proper imaging for biomechanics can often reveal the cause of migraine, cluster and tension headaches. Dr. Packer is board certified in NUCCA (a specialty in the upper cervical spine) and credentialed in spinal biomechanical engineering to help accurately diagnose the cause of your headaches.
When you’re considering your options for a headache and migraine chiropractic professional in Chesapeake, VA, you don’t need to look any further than Precision Spinal Care. We draw from extensive industry experience to offer exceptional services that are tailored to fit each individual patient’s needs. Regardless of the level of pain you’re experiencing, we believe we can help.
Sound Advice
Since we want people to feel comfortable using our services, we communicate openly and honestly and immediately address any questions or concerns. We stay current with some of the latest developments in our field and will explain how our treatments could help align your body and reduce your headaches.
We proudly offer comprehensive headache and migraine chiropractic services at our office in Chesapeake and want it to be easy to make appointments with us. Our office maintains convenient hours of operation, and our friendly staff members will strive to accommodate your schedule. At Precision Spinal Care, we truly believe that regular treatment could improve the overall quality of your life. Don’t hesitate to call us today to set up a consultation.
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